Monday, November 7, 2016

Published 7:57 PM by with 0 comment

U.S. Election

So the US election is finally happening tomorrow. We’ve been hearing about it all year, and we’re all probably kind of tired of it. This election cycle has been a nasty one, and it’ll be nice to have it finally end. But it’s not over yet, and there are still a few things that we all need to deal with.
First, if you have friends or family in the US who are eligible to vote, remind them to vote tomorrow. Yes, again, it’s been a discouraging cycle, and many people vehemently dislike both major candidates, but it’s still important to cast your vote- the polls have been becoming closer in recent days, and no matter how much it may not seem like it, every vote matters. Voting is fundamental part of the democratic process, and it’s a responsibility of every citizen to get out there and try to vote informedly. There have also been rumours about the possibility of online voting going around, and these are NOT TRUE- voters still have to go to the polls or mail in a ballot by tomorrow. What is on a ballot depends on the state- some will have choices almost as simple as we do for elections, with only one or two decisions to make, while some can be pages long.
For those who don’t have any relations in the US- congratulations! You might be dodging a bullet, depending on tomorrow’s results. Even so, you might be interested in seeing how the election turns out. FiveThirtyEight is a good place to keep track of the polls so far- they have live coverage of election updates, good analysis, and excellent visualizations to see how candidates are doing at any given moment.
Whatever happens this election, we can only wish our neighbors to the south good luck. Good luck to everyone, and see you on the other side of this hellish election!


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