Saturday, November 5, 2011

Published 6:42 PM by with 0 comment

How to… DIY facials (By: Cheryl Joseph)

You’ve been working hard all week. School, homework, clubs, work, chores… your busy schedule has bound to take its toll. The best remedy for this? An afternoon of pampering. Bring the spa to the comfort of your own home – you’ll be surprised at how much this will relax you.
Many of these ingredients, you already have at home. Oatmeal, for instance, is a great ingredient to use in facial masks. Crush oatmeal flakes with a spoon and mix with milk until a spreadable paste is made. Apply to face, let dry, and rinse off. This will exfoliate your skin, and the milk will nourish it. This works for all skin types: in oily skin, it will exfoliate and unblock oil-clogged pores; in dry skin, it will moisturize skin and soothe itching.
Another exfoliating ingredient likely in your pantry is baking soda. Mix with water to turn into a paste, and apply. Leave on for 5 minutes, then wash off with warm water in circular motions. This cleanses the dirt, facial oils, and other substances that block your pores. This gunk would have otherwise caused acne, which is definitely not fun. So exfoliation is a must! Other exfoliating ingredients include sugar (both brown and white), coffee grounds, and sea salt. Just remember to mix these with moisturizing agents (banana, avocado, honey, peach, yogurt, etc.) to moisturize and protect the skin at the same time – grainy materials like salt and sugar can damage the sensitive skin on your face if used alone.
After all that exfoliating and moisturizing, using a toner will pull everything together and give you a nice, dewy, even complexion. Green tea, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice are all excellent toners: these not only remove facial oils and other substances from your pores, but many also have amino acids, which help you get rid of that pesky layer of dead skin cells. This helps your face look brighter, cleaner, and smoother.
Although DIY spa treatments are fun, remember not to do them too often; after many treats (like exfoliation), your skin needs time to renew itself. Otherwise, you’d be getting rid of too many skins cells too quickly. And always remember to dab each mask on a small area of your skin to check that there aren’t any negative affects (due to allergies). Aside from that, feel free to experiment with different treatment combinations until you find the ideal one for you!


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