If you've stood within a 5-mile radius of a supermarket these past couple of weeks, you probably know that it is Valentine's Day tomorrow. Now for some, this is very exciting. They get to have a romantic time with their SO! But if you don't have any romantic connections, Valentine's Day can seem intimidating, or even depressing. Personally, I have never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. I've always felt the expectations for romance are so high and incapable of being fulfilled. I've decided that Valentine's Day shouldn't just be a celebration of monogamy. It should be a celebration of love! So I approached this playlist a little differently than I would usually. These songs are a variety of 'love songs'. Some about sex, some about love, some about friendship and some about breakups. Hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful love day!
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Ridge Report Writing and Photography Contest
This year, you can submit a short story, poetry piece, and/or photography connecting to one of three possible themes. Your options are "Hush", "Bang", and "Click". Be as creative as you want!
Entries will be accepted starting Monday May 1st 2017
The deadline for entering is Friday May 20th 2017
First place winners in each category (short story, photography, and poetry) will have their entry published on the Ridge Report website and will be awarded a prize.
Click on each category to submit and know about the rules and requirements.